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Deep Breathing for Nephews

No matter how many sword fights
you find yourself in,
Or if you land in a tough spot
or an inquisition,
the first thing you should do
is breathe in REAL DEEP,
raise one foot off the ground,
and, in your head, count to three.

Then jump up and down,
raise your hands up to the sky,
and say to yourself SLOWLY,
”I am
an awesome

Then think of who
you love the most,
like your mom and your dad too.
And then finally let out all your breath
with a great big loud, “PLLLLLBBBOOOOOOO!”

My sister has to make that noise every time she reads it, so yeah… worth every bit of not using a real word there.

Also, follow the artist.

Let’s listen to something calming by the beach, yes?

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